Littleboy X

Once upon a time when i was a little boy at the age of like 24 or 1, i got a game called mmegaman X, and it was the best game ever i played ever. But then the game broke so i had to buy another game, so i flushed myself down the toilet, and then went to atlantis to try and buy a new megaman x.
I bought it from an old man named mr little. At the time i thouhgt it was anormal game, and then i put it up my bumhole. and played, the title screen said "Littleboy X" so it was creepy, but i said, "Eh, its just another god damn glitch. I started to play and it was normal until the credits, because the name on one of the guys was a little glitched. so then i got Megaman X 2 at the general store of games, and i had lots of fun for the rest of my lief. THE END